Hi everyone.
I have recently been given a wonderful opportunity to work with Guideposts.com.
Guideposts Magazine ("America's Favorite Magazine") has been providing its readers with inspirational stories since 1945! And I am so happy to be joinging them as one of their online contributors.
So please visit: http://www.guideposts.com/ to read not only my blogs - but all of the information, stories and articles about health & wellness, prosperity, relationships & family, faith & living and personal change. It's a great place to "visit" just to be encouraged.
I am going to post my blogs from Guideposts.com here on my personal blog as well.
Hope you are experiencing a wonderful holiday season and that the coming New Year will be especially blessed for you and your family!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Our Orlando Trip

We just got back from a long weekend in Orlando. I had some business to take care of in Winter Park on Friday and then we decided to enjoy a day at "Sea World" and then take a leisurely ride home on Sunday, which was Father's Day - and I happen to be married to one of the best fathers in the world! My sister Jennifer and her roommate Rachel went with us. They are the best!! And definitely made the trip more memorable.
As soon as I walked through the gates of the Park, I was greeted by some avid fans of "The Biggest Loser." That's always neat. Later in the day my son Noah was featured in the new Shamu Show "Believe." The Show itself was incredible – but as a mom it was so moving to see my child so excited about something. They asked him what his dream was – and he said to be a veterinarian. He beamed when they took him down to the front of the theater and showed his image on the huge screens. It really was a neat experience. After we left the Show he was still buzzing about how cool it all was. We asked him, "Noah, which was more exciting? Be in the 'Believe' Show just now or being on national television on 'The Biggest Loser'?" He thought about it for a second and said, "I guess the Shamu Show just now…because there were so many more people watching."
Mike laughed and said, "Yeah, 14.5 million television viewers for the Biggest Loser…they had to have twice that many people in that amphitheater." (Not.)
The whole day was interesting - - different this time - - but in a lot of good ways. As I've said before – food is going to always be an issue for me. Making good choices is a decision that I've got to make everyday. And it's something that does get easier in some ways (because I know Jillian will fly to Florida and kick my butt if I don't), but it would still be very easy to fall back into bad habits. So I was SO EXCITED to see that Sea World now has a healthy alternatives restaurant called "Mama's Kitchen." If you are visiting the park you really should try it. They've got salads and turkey sandwiches and whole wheat pasta salad. They even have sweet potato chips. It was good to see that mainstream venues like Sea World are offering healthy options for those of us who are trying to eat right – but want to still enjoy all the fun everybody else is having.
And I know this probably sounds silly to mention – but I haven't been to a theme park in years. And I couldn't believe the difference in how it feels to sit on a roller coaster and not be afraid that the bar will fit over me. Or not be embarrassed on a ride that my butt is spreading over into the seat of the stranger sitting next to me. It was a great feeling!
So I guess that's it. I just wanted to share a little bit about our weekend. I hope everyone is having a great week so far and that all you dads out there had a blessed Father's Day.
Take care.
As soon as I walked through the gates of the Park, I was greeted by some avid fans of "The Biggest Loser." That's always neat. Later in the day my son Noah was featured in the new Shamu Show "Believe." The Show itself was incredible – but as a mom it was so moving to see my child so excited about something. They asked him what his dream was – and he said to be a veterinarian. He beamed when they took him down to the front of the theater and showed his image on the huge screens. It really was a neat experience. After we left the Show he was still buzzing about how cool it all was. We asked him, "Noah, which was more exciting? Be in the 'Believe' Show just now or being on national television on 'The Biggest Loser'?" He thought about it for a second and said, "I guess the Shamu Show just now…because there were so many more people watching."
Mike laughed and said, "Yeah, 14.5 million television viewers for the Biggest Loser…they had to have twice that many people in that amphitheater." (Not.)
The whole day was interesting - - different this time - - but in a lot of good ways. As I've said before – food is going to always be an issue for me. Making good choices is a decision that I've got to make everyday. And it's something that does get easier in some ways (because I know Jillian will fly to Florida and kick my butt if I don't), but it would still be very easy to fall back into bad habits. So I was SO EXCITED to see that Sea World now has a healthy alternatives restaurant called "Mama's Kitchen." If you are visiting the park you really should try it. They've got salads and turkey sandwiches and whole wheat pasta salad. They even have sweet potato chips. It was good to see that mainstream venues like Sea World are offering healthy options for those of us who are trying to eat right – but want to still enjoy all the fun everybody else is having.
And I know this probably sounds silly to mention – but I haven't been to a theme park in years. And I couldn't believe the difference in how it feels to sit on a roller coaster and not be afraid that the bar will fit over me. Or not be embarrassed on a ride that my butt is spreading over into the seat of the stranger sitting next to me. It was a great feeling!
So I guess that's it. I just wanted to share a little bit about our weekend. I hope everyone is having a great week so far and that all you dads out there had a blessed Father's Day.
Take care.
Friday, April 25, 2008
My best advice

I made the following post to my blog on "Myspace" - but my friend Tammie reminded me that not everybody uses Myspace so she suggested that I put this information here - on the Blog associated with my Web site. So here it is..."My best advice"...for what it's worth.
Hi everybody! Life continues to be so busy - - but wonderful. Both my boys are growing by leaps and bounds before my very eyes. Noah is almost as tall as I am and he's only seven! (Ok, so Mike calls me a legal midget, but still...) And Jaxon turned three months old yesterday. And he is barely fitting in his 3 month outfits. Life is good!
I spoke at a local middle school today and I am often asked the same questions. I am flattered that people even care what I have to say. It's kind of odd but good at the same time if you know what I mean. I still maintain that I am just an ordinary person who was presented with an opportunity to take control of an area of my life that was in desparate need of some attention.
I really do mean it when I say, "If I can do - anybody can do it. There's nothing extraordinary about me." Actually it seems to be that statement that resonnates so loudly with people. And I am thankful that I can share that viewpoint because I really do believe it.
One of the teenage girls at the school today - who is also a Myspace fan - asked me for some advice. There are a few key points that I think were very significant in my own journey and I like to share them with others when they ask. And I do actually get asked that a lot. This sweet girl was very appreciative of the time I spent talking to her and said, "You really should post that advice on Myspace! I'd love to be able to go back there and read it again."
So I thought, you know, that's not a bad idea. It's only my opinion. There's nothing magic to the words I am about to share with you. But I am going to share them anyway. If nothing else they are a good reminder to ME.
Most of you who are reading this probably know that fought my weight most of my life. I was never really thin. But I finally understood that THIN doesn't necessarily mean HEALTHY. And it really is about good health and quality of life. It's not a vanity issue.
So here's my best advice to anyone struggling with weight issues like I was:
1) Start today!
Stop putting it off. Stop making excuses.
2) Find your motivation.
For me it was the example I was setting for my son. It was the desire to have another baby. It was the fact that I wanted to grow old with my husband. That was the defining motivation for me.
3) Don't look at the big picture.
Take it one day at a time. One pound at a time. Looking too far ahead will only discourage you.
4) Move more and eat less.
Burning more calories than you consume is the ONLY way you will lose weight. You have got to get moving. Take it slow but do it.
5) Surround yourself with positive influences.
Rid your home of bad foods. Surround yourself with supportive people who will encourage you. Set yourself up for success!
6) Set small achievable goals and then when you reach them...CELEBRATE!!!
Don't have a piece of chocolate cake though. Go get a pedicure. Or take a walk with your best friend. Buy a piece of clothing one size down that NOW you can get in to. Do something for you.
7) BELIEVE you are worth it. Because you are!!
I think that last one is one of the hardest. Because as an overweight person I was faced with a lot of rejection. Prejudice against the obese is the last acceptable prejudice left in society. And it's hard not to buy into the lies we hear all around us. But you've got to do it. And then when you are on this side of the struggle you'll be so glad you did.
You know my motivation t-shirt on the Show was "To finish what I started, for once." I've had so many people tell me they could relate to that slogan. But you know what? I have realized that I will never "finish what I've started." This will be an ongoing journey for me for the rest of my life. So my new slogan is "to continue what I've started...forever."
Friday, April 11, 2008
"Paying it Forward: Biggest Loser Style"

Hi everybody. The following article hit the newspaper in Jacksonville today so I guess it's ok to share the info with you.
You know "The Black Team" loyalty runs deep. We really are like a family with "Momma Jillian" looking after all her "kids."
As the following article explains better than I can - after the Final Four this year were determined (in "real time" not what you saw on TV last week) I had a phone conversation with KELLY. She is - in fact - absolutely as sweet and sincere as she appears on TV. She was struggling to get in "the groove" in prepping for her upcoming Finale. So it seemed like a no brainer to invite her to come to Jacksonville - and move in with me and my family for six weeks - and work together. And that's exactly what happened.
We've had a great time and she has worked so hard. My local trainer Margie has very similar leanings in her training style as Jillian. So there was no mercy shown. The end result to all of Kelly's hard work from the past several months on the Show leading up to now - as you will on April 15 - is amazing.
I am so very proud of her. And in the process I've developed a friend for life. I don't want to sound cheesey, but I've got to say that I believe that God allows us to go through extraordinary experiences in this life not to keep it all to ourselves but to share those blessings with others. My "Biggest Loser" experience was life-changing. So I had to "pay it forward" with Kelly. It really was a privilege to be able to do that.
Hope you enjoy the following article. Thank you to writer Mark Woods and the Florida Times Union.
'Losers' team up to tone up, slim down for NBC finale
By MARK WOODS, The Times-Union
While eating lunch with two participants in NBC's The Biggest Loser, one past and one present, I asked if strangers ever recognize them.
As if on cue, when Kelly Fields got up from the table, a woman approached her.
"Thank you," the woman said excitedly. "You're such an inspiration. I hope you win."
If the woman had glanced back at the table, she would have seen - and probably recognized - the reason that Fields, a 38-year-old nurse from Titusville, was in Jacksonville.
Julie Hadden was the runner-up on The Biggest Loser's fourth season. She lost 97 pounds, going from 218 to 121. And she has been where Fields is now: beginning the jarring transition from reality TV to reality.
"You learn so much from being there [on the show]," Hadden said. "You have to pay it forward."
So when the fifth season headed to its final phase - with the four remaining contestants leaving a rigidly controlled environment and heading home for several weeks before the season finale - Hadden offered to help.
She invited Fields to come live with her family and to work out with her trainer, Margie Marshall.
The short-term result: Despite being limited by a herniated disc in her back, Fields has continued to drop weight and jean sizes.
"Stairs, stairs and more stairs," Fields said with a laugh last week. "I came here between a size 10-12. In three weeks, I'm down to a six."
The long-term result: By spending time with Hadden, Fields has an idea what is ahead. Life after the finale.
The term "reality TV," of course, is a misnomer. Most of the genre involves more fantasy than reality. And when shows end, with the exception of a few big winners, the reality is that little changes. The bachelors and bachelorettes don't get married and live happily ever after.
But that's part of the appeal of The Biggest Loser. Many of the participants - not just the eventual winner of a $250,000 prize - say the experience is life-changing. And that has touched a nerve with viewers.
So an obvious question is what happened when Hadden returned to Jacksonville last December.
To start with, she no longer could run a "quick" errand.
She'd go into Wal-Mart and inevitably someone would recognize her and start pouring out their own story, often through tears.
America loves a good makeover. And The Biggest Loser produces the most dramatic ones on television today. The most viewed video on jacksonville.com this year used to be a song about Jack Del Rio. Now it's "Julie Hadden's Amazing Transformation."
She was scheduled to go to Washington to talk to Congress about the importance of nutrition. But in January, something bigger came up. She and her husband, Mike, adopted a baby boy, Jaxon.
So she has gone from life on The Biggest Loser ranch to life at home. Changing diapers, waking up for 4 a.m. feedings, doing activities with 7-year-old Noah, church, shopping, bills, meals and ... OK, here's the answer to the question you want to know: No, she hasn't turned into The Biggest Gainer.
She is about 10 pounds heavier. But that's compared to the unrealistic bar set by the season finale. She's still nearly 90 pounds below her old weight and determined to stay there. She has changed her lifestyle and eating habits for the long term. And for the short term, she has some familiar motivation. She wants to look good for another season finale.
She will be on national TV again on Tuesday, this time as Fields' mentor.
"I saw myself in her at the beginning of the show," Hadden said. "I could just tell that her self-esteem, her persona was almost sad. Some people are like, 'I'm going to win this thing.' She was like me, saying, 'I just hope I make it until tomorrow.' "
Fields kept making it to tomorrow. She went from 271 pounds at the start to 178 in the show that aired this week. And in the process, she has developed loyal fans, which is both flattering and strange. A co-worker asked her for an autograph. Strangers call out her name. After she ordered a meal recently, another diner asked the waitress what she had. And when the show's ardent fans see "Kelly from Season 5" together with "Julie from Season 4," it's like they've hit The Biggest Loser jackpot.
Hadden was getting her hair done recently. Fields and Marshall, their trainer, stopped in to chat. While they were talking, a girl and her mother burst through the door.
"I'm sorry, but we've walked by here 15 times," the mother said. "Are you Kelly from The Biggest Loser?"
When Fields said she was, the two strangers let out yells.
"What are you doing here?" one of them asked.
"I'm visiting my friend," Fields said.
The hairdresser spun around the chair, turning Hadden toward them.
More screams.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My "ivillage post elimination blog"
I just came across this on iVillage.com. I had forgotten even doing this interview. Obviously, it was done before the Show aired based on my response to "who will make it to the end?" I KNEW who would make it but I wanted to be coi.
Anyway, just thought I'd post it...kind of for posterity I guess.
Julie Reveals her Turning Point
Name:Julie Hadden
Starting Weight: 218 lbs
Weight when leaving campus: 160 lbs
Finale Weight: 121 lbs
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL
Status: MarriedOccupation before leaving for the show:Stay-at-home mom
1.) What was your big turning point -- either during the show or before that made you realize you needed to lose weight?
My turning point was really more of an evolution; it wasn’t instantaneous. But it was very poignant. Obviously, I knew I needed to lose weight or I wouldn’t have auditioned for the show to begin with. But I have always hidden behind a big smile and covered everything up with black clothing to minimize my size. But still, I wasn’t kidding myself about my problem. My husband begged me every year to go with him to his big office Christmas party. My excuses became ridiculous. But I knew he had photos of me on his desk from our wedding 9 years ago. His co-workers thought I STILL looked like that. There was NO WAY I’d show up and blow that image. I was embarrassed. I think moments like that were my turning point prior to the Show.
But my crystallizing moment once [I was] on the set was at the first weigh in. They had kept our weight from us prior to the official weigh-in that was filmed for TV. And to be honest—I know this sounds crazy—but I didn’t know how much I weighed. We just didn’t have a scale in our home. And THAT was no accident. When I saw my weight for the first time, I gasped at the reality of that number. And then I burst into tears. I had no idea it had gotten that out-of-control. With no full-length mirrors and no scales at home, it’s easy to lull yourself into a “delusion of grandeur” I guess. That fictitious image of myself was blown away at that moment. And I knew that I was there for a reason. That God had allowed me this opportunity to make a life-saving change in myself. I never looked back from that point on. I said the whole time I was a part of the show that it was the hardest thing I had ever done in my life. But every day I was there was a GIFT!!! I mean that with all my heart.
2.) What is one thing you wish you had known before going on The Biggest Loser?
I said while participating in the show that “If I had known how hard it would be, I would have NEVER done it.” And in retrospect I am SO GLAD I didn’t know. I have never been subjected to such physical or emotional stress in my life. You know the process of turning a piece of coal into a diamond? It’s through the intense almost unbearable pressure that the results are so magnificent! Well, that’s how I feel about all of us. So it might sound cliché and it might sound hokey, but I can’t say there’s one thing I wish I had known. Because if I had seen the whole picture clearly before I participated,I may have very well cheated myself out of one of the biggest blessings of my entire life.
3.) If you could have done one thing differently during the show what would it be? I don’t have many regrets from the experience.
Not that any of us played a perfect game, but I think I played the game pretty well. I tried to retain my integrity while at the same time realizing it was a competition. If I had to pinpoint one specific thing it might be that I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry throughout the process. I had seen men and women both cry like babies on previous seasons and I was determined to not do that on national television. But I cried a lot. Every single emotion known to man came out in me. I experienced some of the greatest joy and some of the most intense pain ever! And I could picture my friends back home saying “Suck it up cry baby.” And I regretted crying. But when someone you really grew to love got voted off or you were at the end of your rope due to physical pain or exhaustion - - sometimes tears was the only outlet I had.
4.) What do you think your biggest weight-loss obstacles will be now that you're dieting on your own?
Definitely maintaining the same intensity in regard to working out. My trainer was so inspirational and motivating. And although the working out on the show was incredibly demanding, it was my full-time job while I was there. Now I have to balance a healthy lifestyle with all the other competing demands of me. Balancing the caring for my child and my husband, keeping the house clean, being a soccer-mom and room mother, teaching my little 3-year olds in Sunday School and everything else that makes demands of my time, is a huge challenge.
5.) What advice can you give other people who are hoping to lose extra pounds?
I think the first thing you need before you lose one pound is the BELIEF that you can actually be something different than what you see in the mirror. How you look on the outside does not define who you are on the inside. But on a practical note, you have GOT to start exercising. Burn more calories than you consume. Think about how wonderful the future can be. You owe it to yourself and to everybody who loves you.
6.) Who do you think will make it to the end of the show and why?
I think it will be any four of the following: Amber, Amy, Nicole, Patty, Bryan, Phil, David, Hollie, Isabeau, Bill, Ryan, Gerry, Jez, Kae, Lezlye, Jim, Neil or Me. Any of us could be standing in the end. We had a very diverse cast this year. Everyone embodied different qualities that would make them an outstanding winner. I could go on about just about everybody. I made some lifetime friends from this experience. So it’ll be neat to see who is standing in the end.
7.) What is one thing that happened behind-the-scenes that no one would know from watching the show?
There was so much behind-the-scenes FUN that couldn’t possibly be captured on camera. The show would have been 5 hours long per episode if it had been.
But hopefully, they will see that although we were 18 individual competitors and we all had the same aspiration to win, we really did care for each other. The strategies that were executed at the elimination table did not necessarily reflect the love and care we genuinely held for each other behind-the-scenes.
Anyway, just thought I'd post it...kind of for posterity I guess.
Julie Reveals her Turning Point
Name:Julie Hadden
Starting Weight: 218 lbs
Weight when leaving campus: 160 lbs
Finale Weight: 121 lbs
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL
Status: MarriedOccupation before leaving for the show:Stay-at-home mom
1.) What was your big turning point -- either during the show or before that made you realize you needed to lose weight?
My turning point was really more of an evolution; it wasn’t instantaneous. But it was very poignant. Obviously, I knew I needed to lose weight or I wouldn’t have auditioned for the show to begin with. But I have always hidden behind a big smile and covered everything up with black clothing to minimize my size. But still, I wasn’t kidding myself about my problem. My husband begged me every year to go with him to his big office Christmas party. My excuses became ridiculous. But I knew he had photos of me on his desk from our wedding 9 years ago. His co-workers thought I STILL looked like that. There was NO WAY I’d show up and blow that image. I was embarrassed. I think moments like that were my turning point prior to the Show.
But my crystallizing moment once [I was] on the set was at the first weigh in. They had kept our weight from us prior to the official weigh-in that was filmed for TV. And to be honest—I know this sounds crazy—but I didn’t know how much I weighed. We just didn’t have a scale in our home. And THAT was no accident. When I saw my weight for the first time, I gasped at the reality of that number. And then I burst into tears. I had no idea it had gotten that out-of-control. With no full-length mirrors and no scales at home, it’s easy to lull yourself into a “delusion of grandeur” I guess. That fictitious image of myself was blown away at that moment. And I knew that I was there for a reason. That God had allowed me this opportunity to make a life-saving change in myself. I never looked back from that point on. I said the whole time I was a part of the show that it was the hardest thing I had ever done in my life. But every day I was there was a GIFT!!! I mean that with all my heart.
2.) What is one thing you wish you had known before going on The Biggest Loser?
I said while participating in the show that “If I had known how hard it would be, I would have NEVER done it.” And in retrospect I am SO GLAD I didn’t know. I have never been subjected to such physical or emotional stress in my life. You know the process of turning a piece of coal into a diamond? It’s through the intense almost unbearable pressure that the results are so magnificent! Well, that’s how I feel about all of us. So it might sound cliché and it might sound hokey, but I can’t say there’s one thing I wish I had known. Because if I had seen the whole picture clearly before I participated,I may have very well cheated myself out of one of the biggest blessings of my entire life.
3.) If you could have done one thing differently during the show what would it be? I don’t have many regrets from the experience.
Not that any of us played a perfect game, but I think I played the game pretty well. I tried to retain my integrity while at the same time realizing it was a competition. If I had to pinpoint one specific thing it might be that I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry throughout the process. I had seen men and women both cry like babies on previous seasons and I was determined to not do that on national television. But I cried a lot. Every single emotion known to man came out in me. I experienced some of the greatest joy and some of the most intense pain ever! And I could picture my friends back home saying “Suck it up cry baby.” And I regretted crying. But when someone you really grew to love got voted off or you were at the end of your rope due to physical pain or exhaustion - - sometimes tears was the only outlet I had.
4.) What do you think your biggest weight-loss obstacles will be now that you're dieting on your own?
Definitely maintaining the same intensity in regard to working out. My trainer was so inspirational and motivating. And although the working out on the show was incredibly demanding, it was my full-time job while I was there. Now I have to balance a healthy lifestyle with all the other competing demands of me. Balancing the caring for my child and my husband, keeping the house clean, being a soccer-mom and room mother, teaching my little 3-year olds in Sunday School and everything else that makes demands of my time, is a huge challenge.
5.) What advice can you give other people who are hoping to lose extra pounds?
I think the first thing you need before you lose one pound is the BELIEF that you can actually be something different than what you see in the mirror. How you look on the outside does not define who you are on the inside. But on a practical note, you have GOT to start exercising. Burn more calories than you consume. Think about how wonderful the future can be. You owe it to yourself and to everybody who loves you.
6.) Who do you think will make it to the end of the show and why?
I think it will be any four of the following: Amber, Amy, Nicole, Patty, Bryan, Phil, David, Hollie, Isabeau, Bill, Ryan, Gerry, Jez, Kae, Lezlye, Jim, Neil or Me. Any of us could be standing in the end. We had a very diverse cast this year. Everyone embodied different qualities that would make them an outstanding winner. I could go on about just about everybody. I made some lifetime friends from this experience. So it’ll be neat to see who is standing in the end.
7.) What is one thing that happened behind-the-scenes that no one would know from watching the show?
There was so much behind-the-scenes FUN that couldn’t possibly be captured on camera. The show would have been 5 hours long per episode if it had been.
But hopefully, they will see that although we were 18 individual competitors and we all had the same aspiration to win, we really did care for each other. The strategies that were executed at the elimination table did not necessarily reflect the love and care we genuinely held for each other behind-the-scenes.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Our newest addition
Hi everybody.
I literally have not had one spare second to get online and respond to messages, but I do receive them from my Webmaster. And I thank you so much for your continued love, support and encouragement.
I did, however, want to take a moment to share some very exciting and life-changing news with those of you who stop by my Web site and have encouraged me to update my Blog more frequently.
I am a new mommy again.
Mike and I are overjoyed over the new addition to our family through adoption.
We brought our new son home when he was only two days old. But we met him the day he was born and spent as much time together as possible in the hospital until he came home. We got to know his birth mother and she and I actually spent a lot of time together. She agreed that this was a "God thing" and was at perfect peace. I assured her that if she had any misgivings that it couldn't be God's perfect will for her life – and if it wasn't God's will for her life; then it wasn't for ours' either.
Adoption, in my opinion, is the most sacrificial example of love in today's society. We will be forever grateful for the gift the birth mother gave us. He already feels like he's always been a part of our family. Our seven year old son (many of you all saw Noah on TV) feels as though this was HIS idea. We brought him into the loop early on to make sure that he also was at peace with the idea of going from only child to big brother.
As soon as we told him about the baby (before he was born) Noah responded "That baby needs us…and we need him." Out of the mouth of babes, right?
Never before has anything transpired so smoothly or beautifully. It was the hand of God at work because every obstacle was removed from our path. Every door that was meant to open MORE than opened. It FLUNG open. God sent specific people into our lives during the process with confirmation after confirmation that this was His perfect will for our family.
I have always loved being a stay-at-home mom. But now I have a chance to "do it better." I am healthier and happier than before thanks to my experience on The Biggest Loser. And I am able to be a better wife and mother in every way. Of course some of my "plans" have changed somewhat. It's funny how a baby can do that. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
I really do appreciate all the messages and comments and the sweet e-mails people send through the Web site. I am overwhelmed sometimes by the stories people share with me and the encouragement everyone continues to give. I wanted to post this blog just to give everyone a little news of what's going on with us.
The baby has such a sweet disposition, but we call him our little owl. He loves to sleep during the day and stay up all night. I had forgotten how tired you can get caring for a newborn but also how wonderful it is!
So thanks again for stopping by. And for taking the time to read my Blog. I will try to do better at keeping it updated.
Take care.
I literally have not had one spare second to get online and respond to messages, but I do receive them from my Webmaster. And I thank you so much for your continued love, support and encouragement.
I did, however, want to take a moment to share some very exciting and life-changing news with those of you who stop by my Web site and have encouraged me to update my Blog more frequently.
I am a new mommy again.
Mike and I are overjoyed over the new addition to our family through adoption.
We brought our new son home when he was only two days old. But we met him the day he was born and spent as much time together as possible in the hospital until he came home. We got to know his birth mother and she and I actually spent a lot of time together. She agreed that this was a "God thing" and was at perfect peace. I assured her that if she had any misgivings that it couldn't be God's perfect will for her life – and if it wasn't God's will for her life; then it wasn't for ours' either.
Adoption, in my opinion, is the most sacrificial example of love in today's society. We will be forever grateful for the gift the birth mother gave us. He already feels like he's always been a part of our family. Our seven year old son (many of you all saw Noah on TV) feels as though this was HIS idea. We brought him into the loop early on to make sure that he also was at peace with the idea of going from only child to big brother.
As soon as we told him about the baby (before he was born) Noah responded "That baby needs us…and we need him." Out of the mouth of babes, right?
Never before has anything transpired so smoothly or beautifully. It was the hand of God at work because every obstacle was removed from our path. Every door that was meant to open MORE than opened. It FLUNG open. God sent specific people into our lives during the process with confirmation after confirmation that this was His perfect will for our family.
I have always loved being a stay-at-home mom. But now I have a chance to "do it better." I am healthier and happier than before thanks to my experience on The Biggest Loser. And I am able to be a better wife and mother in every way. Of course some of my "plans" have changed somewhat. It's funny how a baby can do that. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
I really do appreciate all the messages and comments and the sweet e-mails people send through the Web site. I am overwhelmed sometimes by the stories people share with me and the encouragement everyone continues to give. I wanted to post this blog just to give everyone a little news of what's going on with us.
The baby has such a sweet disposition, but we call him our little owl. He loves to sleep during the day and stay up all night. I had forgotten how tired you can get caring for a newborn but also how wonderful it is!
So thanks again for stopping by. And for taking the time to read my Blog. I will try to do better at keeping it updated.
Take care.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Guideposts.com - Advice from a Loser: "Meet Julie Hadden"
Hi. I am Julie Hadden. You may know me from the reality show The Biggest Loser. A little over a year ago, I was given the “chance of a lifetime” and I experienced a total makeover: my body, mind and spirit. And I believe that when something extraordinary happens in a person’s life they should be compelled to share that experience with others. Now, I am not talking about being on television…I am talking about what happens when “reality TV” becomes just…”reality.” I am so happy to be able to share some of what I’ve learned with you.
One of the things I hear most as I meet people who are fans of the show, whether it’s at a speaking engagement or just at the mall, is that they think I am relatable. And I think that’s true. There’s nothing extraordinary about me, I am just like everybody else. And hopefully as I share some of the things I’ve learned you will be able to translate that knowledge into something that may also help you on your journey!
The holidays are such a wonderful time of year. And there is so much to be thankful for. It should be about enjoying the company of those we love the most…not about what’s on the holiday menu. Why is it that every gathering or holiday party seems to revolve around food? If you are like me it’s a very delicate balance between enjoying all of the socializing and making healthy choices in regards to eating at this time of year. I have found that there are ways to “set yourself up for success” around the holidays so that you can enjoy everything about this festive season, without regret.
First of all, don’t go to a party famished. Have a light snack before you walk out the door. That way when you arrive at a party your stomach won’t be rumbling and you can be more focused on making a beeline for your friends than the dessert table. Also, if you are going to a party set yourself a calorie limit or determine in your mind exactly what you will allow yourself to eat ahead of time. That way if you must have your grandma’s famous Christmas fudge, you can enjoy it in moderation and still walk away feeling in control.
If you are hosting a party have carry out containers on hand and give your guests a “doggie bag” on their way out the door. You’ll look like a gracious host when you’re really just trying to get the leftover temptations out of your house.
You can also create new family traditions that don’t revolve around unhealthy habits. You can help out at a homeless shelter or give gifts to a family in need that might not otherwise see an expression of love at the holidays. Taking the focus off of yourself and showing love to others is a wonderful way to embrace the true meaning of the season. If you live in a warm climate like I do, take a family walk to enjoy the Christmas lights and decorations in your neighborhood.
Whatever you do, don’t forget to make exercise a priority. If you get a little off track because of all the many commitments of this time of year then step up your workout as soon as you can. I’ve found that it’s not so important what you do, as long as you are consistent with your exercise regime. If you burn more calories than you consume, you won’t gain weight—in fact you will lose it.
Each week I will share things with you ranging from simple life experiences to life on reality TV to tips I’ve learned along the way. May your family experience all the joy that comes with this time of year.
Merry Christmas.
Hi. I am Julie Hadden. You may know me from the reality show The Biggest Loser. A little over a year ago, I was given the “chance of a lifetime” and I experienced a total makeover: my body, mind and spirit. And I believe that when something extraordinary happens in a person’s life they should be compelled to share that experience with others. Now, I am not talking about being on television…I am talking about what happens when “reality TV” becomes just…”reality.” I am so happy to be able to share some of what I’ve learned with you.
One of the things I hear most as I meet people who are fans of the show, whether it’s at a speaking engagement or just at the mall, is that they think I am relatable. And I think that’s true. There’s nothing extraordinary about me, I am just like everybody else. And hopefully as I share some of the things I’ve learned you will be able to translate that knowledge into something that may also help you on your journey!
The holidays are such a wonderful time of year. And there is so much to be thankful for. It should be about enjoying the company of those we love the most…not about what’s on the holiday menu. Why is it that every gathering or holiday party seems to revolve around food? If you are like me it’s a very delicate balance between enjoying all of the socializing and making healthy choices in regards to eating at this time of year. I have found that there are ways to “set yourself up for success” around the holidays so that you can enjoy everything about this festive season, without regret.
First of all, don’t go to a party famished. Have a light snack before you walk out the door. That way when you arrive at a party your stomach won’t be rumbling and you can be more focused on making a beeline for your friends than the dessert table. Also, if you are going to a party set yourself a calorie limit or determine in your mind exactly what you will allow yourself to eat ahead of time. That way if you must have your grandma’s famous Christmas fudge, you can enjoy it in moderation and still walk away feeling in control.
If you are hosting a party have carry out containers on hand and give your guests a “doggie bag” on their way out the door. You’ll look like a gracious host when you’re really just trying to get the leftover temptations out of your house.
You can also create new family traditions that don’t revolve around unhealthy habits. You can help out at a homeless shelter or give gifts to a family in need that might not otherwise see an expression of love at the holidays. Taking the focus off of yourself and showing love to others is a wonderful way to embrace the true meaning of the season. If you live in a warm climate like I do, take a family walk to enjoy the Christmas lights and decorations in your neighborhood.
Whatever you do, don’t forget to make exercise a priority. If you get a little off track because of all the many commitments of this time of year then step up your workout as soon as you can. I’ve found that it’s not so important what you do, as long as you are consistent with your exercise regime. If you burn more calories than you consume, you won’t gain weight—in fact you will lose it.
Each week I will share things with you ranging from simple life experiences to life on reality TV to tips I’ve learned along the way. May your family experience all the joy that comes with this time of year.
Merry Christmas.
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