Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Take Action to Achieve Your Goals

Recently a friend recommended that I read The Principle of the Path: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, by Andy Stanley. The book's main message really spoke to me and I wanted to share my perspective.

I think we can all agree that we have hopes, dreams and plans for our lives. And most of us probably have pretty good intentions when it comes to seeing those things happen. But what are we really doing about them?

Chances are, if your plan is to live a long, healthy life, sitting on the couch and just thinking about exercising isn’t the road that will lead you there.

In other words, if you want to end up someplace, you must take deliberate steps to get there. Good intentions are fine, but they aren’t a substitute for action. You need to be on a path to your destination, both literally and figuratively.

If there are disconnects in your life and discrepancies between what you desire in your heart and what you are doing in your life, then let today be the start to changing that.

If you have a destination you are trying to reach (and I believe we all do), remember: Your direction — not your intention — determines that destination.

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