Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quiet, please.

The Power of Positive Thinking, by Guideposts founder Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, was published originally in 1953 and I recently read that it has sold somewhere around 26 million copies worldwide.

It's not surprising that it is filled with meaningful insight that is still relevant today.
I wanted to highlight one aspect of the book in particular this week because it has taken on great meaning for me, especially in recent days. That concept is the daily practice of having a time of nothing but quiet. The prescription Dr. Peale recommends is for 15 minutes of absolutely no noise. Don't try to organize your thoughts. Don't read. Don't write. Just listen.

Silence is a precious commodity for me. The balancing act of wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, author and speaker—although all of those roles are precious to me—can leave me tired and needing renewal. I am sure each of you can relate to the various demands that fall on all of us. And I have begun to understand with a growing appreciation the value of something as simple as quietness.

I have recently tried to implement this 15-minute rule in my own life. Some days I make it, some days the quiet doesn't come until I collapse into bed at the end of a busy day. But on the days that I can snag a little piece of solitude early on, I realize so many benefits. I can listen to God. And sometimes the silence reveals the very greatest truths to our hearts and lives from Him.

I firmly believe this practice is making a difference in my energy levels, productivity and patience throughout my day. Isaiah 30:15 says it best: “In quietness and rest is my strength.” Make yourself a priority by treating yourself to 15 minutes of unscripted solitude. You'll be amazed at the blessing you receive.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

deep Sigh. I know the Lord has been telling me that lately, but I am so busy with my being a mom of 5, Pastors wife, Homeschool mom, and so on and so on. But I often hear His silent calling to me..."Come away my beloved" It's in the stillness I can hear His voice, be refreshed, renued, recharged to all that He has called me to do. Thank you for the reminder.